Sunday, April 14, 2013

4th Grade: Coil Pots

In 4th grade, we discussed the coil pot technique and score and slip.  I originally wanted them to make mugs, but then decided to let them choose what vessel, based on interest and ability level. The students liked the freedom and it was fun seeing the variation. 

A few of the common problems that needed addressing: bases that were too large (for the 2nd class I used smaller circle stencils) or rolled to thin, adding too much water so that the clay became weak, and working with a piece of clay too long so that it dried out and became unusable. The clean up process was very important to master; because this project spanned over several weeks, they had to be certain that they properly put away their projects to avoid drying.  

The great part about have 2 sections is that I got to learn from my mistakes and learn which things to emphasize such that my students could be as successful as possible! 

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