Friday, May 24, 2013

5th Grade: Cities

In 5th grade I taught some interesting facts about NYC, such as why NYC taxis are yellow, that NYC used to be the capital of the US, and how many NYC subway system musicians have performed at Carnegie Hall.  

The first day we worked on creating a unique background using watercolor. The next day they used various colored paper, marker, and colored pencil to collage a city.

3rd Grade: Turtles

In 3rd grade I showed a powerpoint about turtles.  I explained many interesting facts, such as how the leatherback sea turtle can be 2000 lbs, and how the snapping turtle can reach 200 lbs and has a worm-like appendage on its tongue that helps lure unsuspecting fish.

The first day I demonstrated how to draw a turtle.  After they picked which shade of green paper they liked best, they drew their turtle with pencil and then outlined it glue.  The next day they took chalk and filled in their turtle. I encouraged them to consider coloring their turtle different than what they would normally do. I also demonstrated how to mix and blend the chalks.

2nd Grade: Henna Hands

In 2nd grade we talked about henna: what it is, where it comes from, what it is used for, and how long it stays on the body. 

I showed them various images of henna. I also printed out, cut, and laminated many images which were used as visual references for the kids as they drew. The first day, they traced at least 4 of their hands, drew different henna designs, and outlined it in permanent marker.  Then they took liquid glue and traced their hands to make a barrier.  The next day, they used watercolor to paint their background, making sure to avoid their hands.  The glue strip helped keep the paint out.  While the paint was still wet, I came around with salt, which created a unique texture.

1st Grade/Kindergarten: Puppets

In both kindergarten and first grade we talked about different types of puppets as well as what a puppeteer is.  I then showed a few images and then they watched a short music video with the Muppets. 

I demonstrated how to create a puppet, simply by drawing on colored paper, cutting it out, and taping it to a popsicle stick.  Each student was allowed to create 3 puppets. 

1st Grade: Picasso Silly Faces

In first grade we talked about Pablo Picasso and Cubism. First, I asked for a volunteer to stand up.  After I drew him realistically on the board, I then drew him with Cubist influence. I explained that Cubism is simply creating a picture by moving around and rearranging shapes to make it look a bit unusual. I then showed a few examples of Picasso's portraits, which the students thought were hilarious.

The students were given a piece of paper and crayon-like sticks (which I still have no clue what it's called) to draw their crazy self-portraits.  They then colored in their pictures with chalk.

1st Grade: Hot Air Balloons

In first grade I showed a YouTube video on hot air balloons. Then we talked about how hot air balloons fly. 

Each student received a large sheet of paper. Then step-by-step they drew their hot air balloons with black oil pastel as I demonstrated on the board. They then filled in the spaces with shapes and lines using colorful crayon. The next day I encouraged them to fill their hot air balloons with colorful watercolor. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Senior Citizen Fun

I've been hanging out at Clement Manor retirement community since January, mostly helping to facilitate art projects and crafts with individuals who are suffering from Alzheimer's disease. One of the things I first noticed about this demographic is that it takes quite a while for someone to finish an art project.

A particular lady came to the art room who had a vocational background in graphic design. I was blown away the focus and imagination she had in creating this painting!