Sunday, March 10, 2013

3rd Grade: Asymmetrical Picasso Faces

After our lesson on symmetry, the 3rd graders then discussed asymmetry (one side is not the same as the other).  To demonstrate this point, I asked for a volunteer and held a vertical ruler again his/her face and asked if his/her face was symmetrical.  After the class agreed, I stuck some colored tape on one side of his/her face and then asked the class if his/her face was symmetrical.  
We then discussed Pablo Picasso, specially how he used interesting colors and shapes to make abstract pictures. 
The first day the kids created their background using watercolors.  I instructed the kids to create as many crazy lines and shapes as possible.  The next day the kids drew 3 asymmetrical funny faces, colored them with colored pencil, cut them out, and glued them to their watercolor background.

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